欢乐一家亲 第九季

欢乐一家亲 第九季

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Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in ... 更多




一部女仆阶级跃升记…… 2023-03-22

在这部剧里唯一发生了阶级变动的就是达芙妮,这两季开始,达芙妮的家人角色接连闪现,拼凑出了美国编剧或者说部分美国人对于英国家庭的预设印象。但最让我惊讶的还是达芙妮这个角色本身对于家庭与婚恋关系的态度,总让我觉得若论保守,欧美人骨子里的那种味道实在比我们浓厚太多太多。之前看美剧的时候总是被挂在嘴边的LOVE... 详情

Frasier 2021-05-12

毕竟情景喜剧嘛,没有之前水准高,给五星的原因仅仅因为e01e02,没有这两集就3.5,心理分析的拍摄手法实在太棒了。Frasier的性格,我孤独的原因是我害怕自己孤独,所以我更加孤独,我拒绝别人的原因只是我害怕对方先拒绝我,有点“要想不被人拒绝,最好先拒绝别人”的意思了。楼上邻居也挺有意思,跟他何其相像。和roz的友... 详情

s9e3 2020-10-12

I''m so sorryAnd you don''t trust me How could you possibly think there could be somebody else? Because I was somebody else what?You were married to two other woman while you claimed to have been in love with me. Well, now that we''re together, how can l be sure, Really sure, that there won''t ever... 详情

Roz's love 2016-04-29

E5 Roz: you go through lives meeting different people who are all the same, and they think that you''re the same too, and then one day you meet this guy, but he is not the same, because he actually sees that you''re not the same, and he knows because he''s the same way. Fraisier: It sounds to me th... 详情

欢乐一家亲第九季 0000-00-00

第九季1-2-frasier整理自己的情感问题 第九季3-daphne发现niles的女病人迷恋他,家里进了蟋蟀 第九季4-回顾中枪那天,演唱会撞车 第九季5-roz的垃圾工人男友 第九季6-万圣节装扮成自己的英雄 第九季7-daphne学钢琴,frasier与父亲“八年之痒” 第九季8-frasier寻找2000期节目磁带中一个 第九季9-科比找实习 第九季10-新的经... 详情