谎言屋 第二季

谎言屋 第二季

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商业竞争中真真假假,尔虞我诈;金钱和肉体充斥着肮脏的内部交易.如何在这残酷的又没有硝烟的战场中游走?商业咨寻顾问Marty有着他的绝妙法门:狡者生存. Marty学识渊博,巧舌如簧;但在前妻的咄咄相逼和种种不良诱惑下,他能否把持住自己的人生轨迹;面... 更多




E4:马特达蒙的TV秀 2013-07-07

现如今活跃的好莱坞著名动作男星客串电视剧的,此前《老友记》中出现最多,比如布拉德皮特、威利斯布鲁斯。现在是马特达蒙。当第四集提到这个名字时,我还有点不敢相信。及至出场,这才确信他真的来客串了一把。当然,其表现如同马蒂被揍后翻脸所说“最傲慢自大、最虚伪、最能扯鸡巴蛋的人”“过度膨胀的自我”。让我感兴趣... 详情

20130420,s02e12, too harsh in the office, too hard after work. 2013-04-20

20130420,s02e12, too harsh in the office, too hard after work. 详情

20130413,s02e11, devoted but only at a moment, then betray..... 2013-04-13

20130413,s02e11, devoted but only at a moment, then betray..... 详情

20130406,s02e10,former subordinate, present competent. 2013-04-06

20130406,s02e10,former subordinate, present competent. 详情

20130324,s02e09, mark twin. 2013-03-24

20130324,s02e09, mark twin. 详情

20130323,s02e08, disordered life. 2013-03-23

20130323,s02e08, disordered life. 详情

20130310,s02e07, they treat racism and sex as food. 2013-03-10

20130310,s02e07, they treat racism and sex as food. 详情

20130302,s02e06, trapped in a bottleneck, under the insufferably arrogant boss, want to leave. 2013-03-02

20130302,s02e06, trapped in a bottleneck, under the insufferably arrogant boss, want to leave. 详情

20130301,s02e05, live in a strange house, tell lies to the barbarians outside the door. 2013-03-01

20130301,s02e05, live in a strange house, tell lies to the barbarians outside the door. 详情

20130204, s02e03, no subtitle, less interesting. 2013-02-04

20130204, s02e03, no subtitle, less interesting. 详情